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Learn How To Make a Daily Difference in Your Marriage

July 8, 2024

These Four Points of Connectedness Will Nourish Your Marriage

Do you and your spouse have a habit of connecting with one another every day? Do you find this easy amid your normal routines, or is it a bit more difficult? Whether you feel very connected and want to move from good to great or struggle in this area and are looking for some help, we have an actionable, straightforward guide you can utilize to enhance your relationship.

The time investment it takes to commit to these four points of connectedness is little compared to the positive impact and significant difference you’ll experience in your marriage as a result. Below are four, simple ways to connect with your husband or wife and nourish your marriage daily.

1. When You Wake Up

How you engage with your spouse when you wake up sets the tone for how you engage with each other until you part for the day.

If both of you are “morning people,” you might start your morning by:

  • Praying together.
  • Enjoying a cup of coffee together.
  • Snuggling before getting out of bed.

If one of you is a morning person and the other isn’t, there are plenty of ways to connect without saying a word.

  • Fix a cup of coffee for your spouse, and leave it on their nightstand. The aroma and quiet says, “I love you.”
  • Write a note for your spouse on the bathroom mirror.
  • Prepare breakfast for your spouse.

2. When You Part for the Day

How you engage with your spouse when you part for the day sets the tone for how you think about each other all day.

  • Before one or each of you leaves, connect on your to-do lists.
  • Pray together, or ask if there is something specific you can pray for throughout the day.
  • Check to see if there is anything you can pick up from the grocery store.
  • Make sure you’re on the same page regarding your kids and their activities. You don’t want to leave anyone behind!

3. When You Come Back Together

How you reconnect with your spouse after you have been apart all day sets the tone for how you engage with each other before you say good night.

  • When you return home for the day, greet one another intentionally and with excitement.
  • Embrace with physical affection—a hug and kiss.
  • Prioritize saying, “Hello,” to one another first—before your kids or pets.

4. When You Go To Bed

How you say good night to your spouse sets the tone for how you rest. When you’re getting ready for bed, be intentional with your routine.

  • Share the highlights and lowlights of your days.
  • Snuggle.
  • Make love.
  • Pray together.
  • Kiss each other.
  • Read together.

Your days will always be busy. Life doesn’t “slow down.” Check in with each other daily, even if it’s brief. Look in one another’s eyes. Ask, “How are you doing?” These little moments, four points of connectedness, will influence your marriage positively in the present and future.

Want To Slip Away for an Entire Weekend?

If you and your spouse want to spend uninterrupted time together and connect on a deeper level more than just daily touch points, consider attending an upcoming WinShape Marriage Retreat.

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