Marriage Retreats Premarital Retreats Pastor & Ministry Leader Retreats

The Writing on the Wall(s)

When WinShape Marriage hosted its first Intensive, couples were encouraged to write about their experiences on the walls in the closets of The Normandy Inn. Those closets hold stories of transformation, hope and prayer. When it was time to renovate the building, the plaster was preserved and some of the transcriptions were framed and hung in the hallways, where a leisurely stroll includes captivating translations of marriages that came here broken and left on the path toward healing. Guests are still encouraged to share their perspectives by writing on the walls today.

Combined with a beautiful illustration of a tree in various stages of growth, this testimony from one couple demonstrates how each day of the Intensive experience enabled their marriage to be nurtured.

Day 1
No real will or hope – desperate for anything better or be able to walk away knowing we had tried all we could before quitting.

Day 2
Listening to others – we realized we all were ending up the same place with different circumstances. We weren’t alone. We will be heard and understood!!!We made a step forward.

Day 3
We had a good session, committed to change … then had a misunderstanding that felt like a set-back. Glad we were here, pushed on and it turned out that it actually helped. After they showed us how to walk through our crazy perceptions and really see the truth of what we felt! Shazaaam!

Day 4
Renewed hope. Commitment. Released from a lot of pain and self doubt. We will be better equipped to love each other because we know better about our own hearts. Feeling like I have worth. All guilt is not gone. I am going to seek God and ask for truth.