Marriage Retreats Premarital Retreats Pastor & Ministry Leader Retreats

What Does Spiritual Leadership Mean, Anyway?

April 17, 2024
Marriage Enrichment

What does spiritual leadership mean, anyway? In today’s conversation with Julie Baumgardner, Rob Philo shares how he and many hear growing up, “It’s your job to be a spiritual leader for your family,” but what does that mean? Together, Julie and Rob break down what spiritual leadership means, what it looks like on a day-to-day basis, and how men and women can invite God into their marriage relationship. If the topic of spiritual leadership feels ambiguous, check out this conversation to begin to unearth a bit of the ambiguity.

Time Stamps:

(0:10) What does spiritual leadership mean, anyway? 

(3:05) What does spiritual leadership look like on a day-to-day basis? 

(8:57) How to invite God into your relationship if you and your spouse are in different places spiritually  

(14:10) How to pray together 

(16:48) What is God calling us to in our marriage?


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