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Spiritual Direction

What Is Spiritual Direction?

Spiritual direction is a Christian discipline where a spiritual guide or “director” helps a directee listen, notice and be open to God and His love. The focus is sharpening a “soul sensitivity” to God and growing our awareness of Him so that we may abound in love and discern what is best. (Philippians 1:9-10)

Hospitable, confidential, and grounded in Biblical truth, spiritual direction is a ministry that helps you grow in intimacy with God and live into your calling as a follower of Christ. Spiritual direction is a form of soul care that sits under the umbrella of spiritual formation.

Beautiful couple standing in a park and praying together with bright sunlight in the background

Spiritual Direction Might Be A Fit If You:

  • You need a safe place to share how you’re experiencing God
  • You are curious about what’s happening in your own soul
  • You long for more in your relationship with God
  • You are in a current season of transition or choice
    You desire to to continue cultivating a life of prayer

Frequently Asked Questions

Isn’t the Holy Spirit the only one who should direct me spiritually?

Often misinterpreted, the practice of spiritual direction is not instructive or even “directive.” A compassionate and skilled director guides the directee through reflective listening and thoughtful questions to listen deeply to God’s movement in their life and their own internal responses to Him.

True spiritual direction is about deep listening. It differs from spiritual friendship or “soul friends” in that it’s not a peer relationship. Spiritual direction is directee-focused.

Why should I begin spiritual direction?

• The most important relationship in life is the one you have with God. The primary intent of spiritual direction is to guide you into a deeper intimacy with God.

• For pastors and Christian leaders it is paramount to have a safe place where one can attend to the ongoing process of transformation in Christ without any other agenda.

• One of the greatest commandments is to love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind, soul and strength. Spiritual direction is a ministry of soul care that helps you notice what’s happening within your own soul so that you can love Him with all of it.

How is spiritual direction different than other care ministries?

• Spiritual direction is not meant to replace other forms of helping ministries such as biblical, pastoral, or psychological counseling.

• Spiritual direction differs from other care ministries primarily in its focus. The intention in spiritual direction is not to help solve a problem or accomplish a certain goal. Life with God is a journey to be discovered and not a goal to be accomplished. The aim is attuning to God’s presence and activity in the life of the believer wherever they find themselves on their journey with God.

What can I expect in a spiritual direction session?

• Meetings take place in person on the WinShape Mountain Campus.

• Each session lasts an hour.

• Often the director opens in prayer and offers a reflective question to begin the conversation.

• The dialogue is guided by times of silence, reflection, and attentive listening.

Why should I try spiritual direction or soul care?

Just as food is important for the body to stay healthy and strong, spiritual direction and soul care is nutrition for your spiritual faith, alongside other spiritual practices such as reading Scripture and prayer. These practices provide a rich diet for a healthy relationship with God and your spouse. The title in John Ortberg’s book says it all, “Soul Keeping: Caring for the Most Important Part of You.” As Gary Thomas often says, ”It is only out of a healthy soul that we can build a healthy marriage.”